If you or your organization has equipment (hardware or software) it is not using please consider donating it to Hawaii Academy. We promise to make good use of it or find a community service group that will.
We are currently in need of the following:
- Computer Equipment: Windows 7 or higher computers, displays, keyboards, mice, backup systems, printers, and networking equipment (switches, access points, routers, cables, etc.).
- Sound Equipment: Public address and music systems including amplifiers, receivers, players, recorders, microphones, speakers, mixers, switches, and wiring.
- Video Equipment for security surveillance, replay of skill training, and communications (including cameras, monitors, editors, signal processing, switches, and wiring.
Thanks to the generous support of local organizations and individuals, Hawaii Academy has grown to 2500 students and 110 employees (all part-time). Our mission is to promote research, physical education, and activities in the areas of Lifetime Fitness, Gymnastics, and Human Sciences for students of ALL ages (i.e., 1-100+ years) and abilities (i.e., remedial to world-class performers). We are an educational institution that provides services (many free) to local groups, particularly those with children and older adults. We are most known internationally for our scientific research (the Hawaii Longitudinal Study of Fitness), development of gerontechnology and fitness activities for the elderly, and our many gymnastics world champions. Locally we are known for our physical education, gymnastics, and activities programs, including gymnastics classes, birthday and other parties, fun nights (open gym), child care during school holidays, summer school and inter-session day camps, elder (kupuna) exercise classes, and specialized training for flipping and twisting, cheer, acrobatics, ninja, stunting, tumbling, trampoline, and aerial maneuvers.
Thank you for whatever you might be able to donate to our development and operations. We are grateful for your support and welcome the opportunity to reciprocate by providing support to your efforts or in whatever way we might assist you.
Max Vercruyssen PhD +1.808.741.2223
Hawaii Academy President